


大学等非常勤講師ユニオン沖縄★ より



 そこで私たちは、正義、自由、権利、抵抗を学んできた学生として、大学当局の暴挙に黙することに抵抗するために占拠を実行しました。沖縄の歴史を振り返ると、座り込みという占拠の一つのかたちもまた、抵抗のアクションとして行われてきたことがわかります。座り込みは、戦後の沖縄にお いて民衆により担われたラディカルな「自己決定」の作法として現在まで脈々と受け継がれてきました。



 また、今回の事態は、琉球大学の学生と非常勤講師のみの問題に留まりません。この占拠は琉球大学のネオリベラル化とそれに伴う教育の貧困化といった、個別的な状況へのレスポンスとしてはじまりましたが、今回の問題は、大学自治の崩壊、大学の教育放棄、沖縄県の教育の危機、雇用問題と いったより広い射程を持つはずです。


 新カリキュラム廃止に向けてどうか、共闘して下さい。座り込みの参加、teach in、差し入れ、メディアでの発言、なんでも結構です。皆さまのご支援・ご参加を心よりお待ちしております。


The Statement of Occupation

The authorities at the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa, Japan, have decided to lay off its adjunct language faculty members and massively reduce the number of foreign language courses without fully disclosing why such policies were necessary. Alarmed by the situation, we, the students, have demanded direct negotiations with the university officials twice in the past. But the university dismissed our first demand through writing, and decided to ignore our second request. The university officials thus deliberately failed to create a democratic forum where the students and they could openly discuss the issues and seek possible solutions.

We, the students of the university, will start occupying our campus. As the students who have studied justice, freedom, human rights, and resistance and have been trying to apply them to real life conditions, we question and resist the anti-democratic actions taken by the
university authorities.

The aim of this sit-in is to create a situation in which the university authorities must genuinely acknowledge the flawed and problematic nature of its so-called “new language curriculum.” If the university still exists for us, the students (as stipulated in its Mission Statement), then the current situation in which it refuses to consider our concerns not only needs to be rigorously critiqued but must be radically changed.

This situation is not the sole concern of the students and adjunct faculty members at the University of the Ryukyus. While the occupation of campus began as a critical response to the neoliberalization of our university and the attendant impoverishment of our educational program, it also aims to shed light upon other related issues such as the breakdown of our “autonomous” university system, crisis of educational system within the Okinawa Prefecture at large, and the issue of unemployment among the residents of Okinawa.

Based upon these conditions and reasons, we demand the officials at the University of the Ryukyus to:

1) Repeal the so-called “new language curriculum.”
2) Hold a public meeting about the “new curriculum” that is open to all members of the society.
3) Dismiss president TERUO IWAMASA, and vice presidents KEISUKE TAIRA and SATOHARU SHINZATO.
4) Allow the student representatives to participate, speak, and vote at the Board of Trustees’ meetings.
5) Establish the democratic election system to appoint president and all board members.
6) Ensure all the rights of the students involved in the occupation and not impose any punitive measure on them.

This occupation is a protest against the university authorities’ irresponsible decision to neoliberalize our university that has rather foolishly foregone its commitment to public education and caused the impoverishment of curriculum. This occupation is also a protest against the university officials who, with their authoritarian mindset, never even thought about offering adequate explanations to the students or inviting them into the decision-making process. We, the students, strongly condemn the university’s dismissal of the students’ voices and will work to reclaim the student autonomy on our own campus.

Finally, we declare our solidarity with all the others who have been actively working and sincerely hoping to abolish the new curriculum. We act with a hope that the University of the Ryukyus, along with all other universities, will reclaim its status as a “university” in the true sense of the word.

March 9th 2009





① 新カリキュラム撤回
② ①に関する公開説明会
③ 岩政輝男学長、平啓介副学長、新里里春副学長の解任
④ 学生代表の役員会への参加
⑤ 教員、職員、学生による学長及び理事の選挙制度の確立
⑥ 占拠に参加したすべての者の権利を保障し、いかなるペナルティをも科さないこと





                  2009年3月9日 琉球大学学生有志

  • HarpoBucho
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  • By harpobucho / Mar 12, 2009 1:38 am

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